What was the first non-native animal introduced into Australia?
- the dingo
- the dog
- the kiwi
- the rabbit
- the horse
What is the capital of Australia?
- Canberra
- Melbourne
- Sydney
- Montreal
- Toronto
Which is not a native Australian animal?
- kangoroo
- kiwi
- wallaby
- koala
- kookaburra
How many states are in Australia?
- 9
- 27
- 12
- 6
- 10
When does Winter begin in Australia?
- January
- March
- September
- December
- June
What languages do Australians speak?
- Japanese
- Australian
- Spanish
- French
- English
What do koalas eat?
- people
- insects
- bamboo
- grass
- gum leaves
Native Australians are called ...
- Tasmanians
- Aussies
- Indians
- Aborigines
- Bushmen
Where do most Australians live?
- in the North
- on the West Coast
- in the South
- on the East Coast
- in the Centre
What is Tasmania?
- a native animal
- a national dish
- a native plant
- a famous prison
- an island
Australia is the ... largest country in the world?
- 4th
- 2nd
- 6th
- 26th
- 11th
Which is the driest inhabited continent on Earth?
- Australia / Oceania
- Eurasia
- Africa
- South America
- North America
Which is the second largest continent?
- Asia
- Africa
- Australia / Oceania
- South America
- Europe
When did the First Fleet of 11 ships with male convicts arrive in Australia?
- 1512
- 1492
- 1670
- 1788
- 1830
Where is the weather warmer?
- in the southern part of Australia
- in the northern part of Australia
What is a common nickname for Australians?
- Possums
- Tommies
- Brucees
- Aussies
- Yankees
What is Australia also called?
- the Green Island
- the Bush land
- the Outback
- the Down Under land
- the Pearl of the Queen
What is the middle part of Australia called?
- the Tampa
- Queensland
- the Outback
- the Jackeroo
- the Bush
The Aborigines used the boomerang as a ...
- sports equipment
- toy for their children to exercise for hunting
- religious symbol (the circle of renewal)
- tool of communication
- weapon
What is the name of the large island off the southern coast of Australia?
- Guam
- Tasmania
- New Zealand
- Hawai
- Man
Which of the following animals is native to Australia?
- a koala
- a camel
- a rabbit
- a dingo
- a panda
What type of animal is the kookaburra?
- a fish
- a bird
- a kangaroo
- a snake
What is a didgeridoo?
- a kangaroo
- a barbecue set
- a native bird
- a poisonois snake
- an aboriginal musical instrument
What is the largest and the most populous city in Australia?
- Perth
- Melbourne
- Canberra
- Sydney
- Alice Springs
Which two oceans does Australia touch?
- Atlantic and Arctic
- Pacific and Arctic
- Pacific and Atlantic
- Atlantic and Indian
- Pacific and Indian
Simpson, Tanami, Great Victoria, Great Sandy and Gibson are ...
- Australian cartoons
- Australian deserts
- Australian mountains
- Australian lakes
- nicknames of famous Australian sportsmen
Australia does not have ...
- a Prime Minister
- a Governor-General
- a Commander-In-Chief
- a Queen or a King
- a President
What is the number of inhabitants in Australia?
- 10 million
- 20 million
- 40 million
- 80 million
- 70 million
Which name do Aborigines give to "the time before time" or "the time of the creation"?
- Didgeridoo
- Dance of the Sand
- Thousand Whispers
- Eternal Fields
- Dreamtime
Which European flag can you recognise in the Australian flag?
- Portugal
- Netherlands
- the Union Jack
- none
- Spain