Lesson HTML 1


1 Assessment (10 marks)

- five marks for the copy: 5/5

- the final task (offline): 3/5

- the final task (online): 5/5

2 Free hosting

What is the internet? Some computers are always online. We call them servers and they are owned by hosting companies. If you want to have a website, you need to put files on the hard disk of such a server. A hosting company sells space on the hard disks of their server computers. The URL of a site will bring you to the specific map of a specific server where your the files of your site have been stored.

To put a site online you need to put files on the server computer. You can do that with FTP software like the free software FileZilla. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. If this software can be used online, it is often called Web-FTP.

Your primary task is to find free webspace. Do so by typing "free webspace" in Google. Good luck with the hunt! Go for a hosting company without publicity and which allows you to put files online and to use PHP.


3 HTML 01

Follow the instructions on your copy.


4 Final task

Prove what you can by making the next webpage.

- save your webpage as index.html (a browser will always look first for the file named index.html to open as the first page);

- write one paragraph of five lines about yourself;

- give your webpage the title 'Welcome to my site";

- I want to see the word "Homepage" in the blue horizontal bar of the webpage;

- indicate your name in bold in the text;

- underline the village or town where you live;

- put the word 'hobby' in italics in your text;

- show an image from the internet on your webpage which tells something about you and use it as a background image on your webpage;

- make your motto or a quote which you love a lot move under the first paragraph (use the marquee code);

- put three hyperlinks to your favourite sites on your webpage and make sure that if you click the links, they'll open in a new screen.

Show me your webpage online and get the maximum score! Make sure that the image and the index.html are in the same map online.



Last update 09.01.2013